Page 100 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 100
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available, meaning the funeral home needed to be necessarily familiar or comfortable doing. From
constantly staffed to answer incoming phone calls at initial preparation of the deceased, which includes
every hour of the day. the preservation and restoration of the body, to the
final disposition, which can include body donation,
‘‘It’s part of our job to be available to these families, cremation, or burial, Rohde & Son will help a family
and that’s still true today,” Rohde said. understand their loved one’s last wishes or, if the
deceased did not plan their wishes, make decisions
Rohde knows that families are going through a that feel right for them.
period of loss and mourning, and it’s important to
him and to the other staff members at Rohde & Son “We’re here to help families sort everything out,”
that the families’first interaction after a death is an Rohde said. “We want to help them do what
important and sensitive situation. Though there is they want to do and what feels right to them. We
no longer the need to have the funeral home staffed become a support system and a friend during the
24/7 to answer calls thanks to modern technology, process, and we strengthen a lot of friendships and
the values and importance of that initial phone call relationships along the way.”
have not changed with time.
One of the observations the Rohde has made over
“Our conversations are immediately about comfort,” the years is that pre-planning arrangements can
Rohde said. “We let families know that we are going significantly ease the emotional and mental burden
to be there for them, and that we are going to take that often comes with making final resting decisions
great care of their loved ones.” for a loved one. With no plans in place, family
members are left to decide on behalf of their loved
With that initial phone call, Rohde & Son will one, and those decisions are usually taking place
help a family walk through every step of the funeral during periods of intense sadness and loss. >
planning process—something most families aren’t