Page 51 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 51

C ber SGCUFIT 7/ 0'8‘
Cloud Security Monitoring
Per a recent Mandiant study, one focus area of Cyber Security Trends for 2017
is in Cloud security monitoring. It is a key area for cyber threat detection and
many organizations still struggle to undertake successfully. In the Cisco Annual
Cybersecurity Report, the number 1 concern is cloud infrastructure. There are
numerous ways to improve detection for cloud transactions, but they require
adjusting the security team’s focus as the threats expand beyond the perimeter.
1 Recommendation & Coverage lmprovements
lnvestment in seasoned Thought Leaders — over 20 speaking events in 2016

W professionals: both Cyber & Crime

it Experts coordinate crime and cyber - Best in class protection

; L ‘ ' coverage insuring agreements ' A"°'d5 °°"e'a9e gaps

 N - Prevents duplication of coverage
, g E Cyber Loss Leaders - Cyber Extortion (highest number, lower payouts)
- Social Engineering: money and information (fund transfers, w-2, IP etc.)
- Business income including dependent business income
- Forensics and data restoration
; Commitment to staying ahead of Attendance at leading conferences: Insurance and Legal Collaboration
the curve with Cyber Product Managers
Event discovery — 24-hour claims 24-hour Oswald claim response & carrier breach coach support
a response and support
Specialists drive market results Insight into what regulators like and do not like
Cloud computing best practice Consult an attorney to review & negotiate contract
 " Moira Gettens, AAI _ - 2 Lacy Rex
V —
:7? Property & Casualty Market Leader ‘. . Cyber Liability Specialist
gr. -4’ . . 513.725.0306 3  513.716.6002
 ' ‘ lrex@oswa|
‘L AJ Upton 1 
_ _‘,‘} Risk Management Consultant 
’ 5137166003 I www.Oswa|

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