Page 67 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 67
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International Grandmaster, Maurice Ashley competes against 24 students at once during
the Queen City Classic Chess Simul event on Friday, March 24th.
The Qleen City Classic Chess in Schools program children were focused, engaged, quiet and patient
was inspired by Pomeranz’s own family but it was a when they played the game, regardless of their age
labor of love by many including Pomeranz’s husband, or personality
Dr. Stephen Pomeranz and their lifelong friends
and business partners, Holly and Cris Collinsworth. “They were thinking and sitting and focusing on the
Penny Pomeranz’s husband, Dr. Stephen Pomeranz, task at hand,” Pomeranz said.
is a local radiologist and the co-founder of the
Proscan family As the Pomeranz
of businesses, and “Chess is the great equa|izer.” children grew up,
the Couple has Six Penny Pomeranz, co-founder of the Queen City Classic Chess Continued to
°hi1d‘e“~Wh‘“'““'V‘“" Chess Tournament and the Chess in Schools program. b_‘“' 3 P3“ °f the“
they traveled as a lives. in 2002,
family, the Pomeranz children would play chess— alongside the Collinsworths, the families established
sometimes to have fun, sometimes to pass the time. the Qieen City Classic Chess Tournament to
encourage children of all backgrounds and life
“They would play on the sidelines of fields on the situations to gather together to play chess. As part of
weekends or in the airport as we were traveling,” the tournament, children are also paired with some
Pomeranz said. “It was a portable game that didn’t of the world’s best chess players, like Maurice Ashley,
require much to play.” the world’s first African-American international
grandmaster. By exposing children to chess masters
As simple as the game was to pack up, it carried and social leaders, the Qieen City Classic Chess
a much larger impact than just a simple form of Tournament serves as more than a gathering spot of
entertainment. The Pomeranz family saw that their chess-loving children. The tournament, which took >