Page 80 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 80
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The UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute, a new comprehensive facility, is set to open in 2019.
of Medicine, and its mission is to be the region's foundation, The Oliver Family Foundation, which
leading treatment, research and teaching center for has long been a generous supporter of a multitude
complex neurological and psychiatric conditions. of civic and cultural organizations and causes across
Neurolo includes the stud of disorders of the Cincinnati. To the Vollmers and other members
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nervous system, including spinal cord injuries, of the Oliver family, becoming a part of the UC
traumatic brain injuries, and strokes. Under the Gardner Neuroscience Institute was important to
leadership of world-class physicians and researchers, their mission and personal experiences.
the University of Cincinnati has widely been
considered within the academic and medical worlds The Oliver Family Fund is donating $500,000
as a leading institute of neurological care, including to establish The Oliver Family Neurorecovery
the discovery of the only FDA-approved medical Lab Fund within the UC Gardner Neuroscience
treatment for ischemic strokes. The UC Gardner Institute. The new Neurorecovery Lab will make
Neuroscience Institute will offer a new outpatient it possible for physicians to perform research,
building for patients to receive care, meet with facilitate treatments, and explore future avenues of
physicians, and undergo outpatient treatments. neurological care and recovery.
To Will and Molly Vollmer, the UC Gardner “Our family's past experience with neurological
Neuroscience Institute will be more than a state- conditions made us incredibly sensitive to and
of-the-art facility. The Institute will reflect the passionate about neurorecovery,” Molly said. “We’ve
passion and intense devotion the Vollmers have for seen the impact that neurological conditions like
helping raise the bar for the care and treatment of strokes can have on people—both young and old—as
individuals who suffer from neurological conditions. well as the impact that carries over to their families
Molly (Oliver) Vollmer is a trustee of her family's and caregivers.”