Page 83 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 83
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Molly and Will Vollmer with Drs. Joseph Broderick and Brett Kissela.
of the facility, families will spend less time and Drs. Broderick and Kissela had developed
energy simply getting from building to building, and relationships with the Vollmers, who were actively
Vollmers hope this encourages more families to use looking for ways to get more involved in advancing
their saved resources to participate in studies. neurological care.
“People won’t be so mentally and physically “We met with the doctors, who presented us with
exhausted from their meetings,”Molly said. “When the idea of developing the neurorecovery lab,” Molly
people are too tired from their daily appointments or said. “It hit home with us right away.”
schedules, they don’t want to sign up for additional
research studies, which limits the doctors and their That’s when Molly and Will took the donation
teams from learning more and advancing care. Now, opportunity to the rest of the Oliver family, who
families will be under the same roof as their doctors understood the vision that the doctors had and
and UC Health students, and we are hopeful that immediately supported the project under Molly and
this encourages the exchange of information and Wills leadership. The Oliver Family Foundation’s
opens up access to innovative research and recovery.” donation of $500,000 will cover gaps in funding
between projects, facilitate research and provide
As the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute plans innovative equipment for the neurorecovery lab.
developed, the Institute’s planning and development
team identified the need to include an on-site “We know that neurorecovery is diflicult,”Molly
research facility in the College of Medicine. said. “The techniques that Dr. Broderick and >