Page 88 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 88
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Facing pages, portraying the emcee in 2016’s production of "Cabaret/’ Bryan Wallingford commands the attention of the
dance hall girl played by Victoria Canby. Above, Boyd Cultural Arts Center is the home of Heiland Theatre, as well as Harcum
Art Gallery, the Hare Quaker Heritage Center and an academic wing.
Wilmington College was established in 1870 by “The theater program blossomed after the G.I. Bill,”
a group of Qiakers, whose emphasis on inclusion Alexander said. “It caused an influx of students
and accepting people from all backgrounds, races, to our campus, and they brought with them an
faiths and philosophies continues in the mission of appreciation for the arts and their role in the world.”
the school today. Wilmington College encourages
its students to take a holistic and diverse approach The G.I. Bill, or the Servicemen’s Readjustment
to education, and it promotes a wide range of Act of 1944, provided a range of benefits, including
cross-curriculum involvement for students who are funds for continuing their education, for veterans
interested in exploring areas of study outside their returning from war. As more young people flocked
declared major or focus. Under that philosophy of to Wilmington College to pursue higher education,
education, the college’s theater program opens its the school saw a need to establish a formal theater
doors to students of all majors and disciplines to program to allow students to explore the world
contribute to its year-round performance schedule. through the lens of theater and performance. As a
result, Wilmington College invested in a facility and
Wynn Alexander, professor of Theater 8c Fine Arts other supports necessary for students and professors
at Wilmington College for more than 30 years, to dive deep into theater and other creative arts. The
has seen the growth and expansion of the theater theater was exactly what the campus needed at the
program over his three decades at the school, but he time, but over the years, funding and investments
knows that appreciation for the arts and culture are in other areas of study prevented expansion of the
part of the rich history of the campus. program and important updates to the facility.