Page 91 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 91

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Above, in a scene from the 2016 production of “Cabaret," American author Clifford Bradshaw gets seduced by cabaret
entertainer Sally Bowles, played by Ryan Oates and Jessica Yankel, respectively. Right, the ensemble from WC Theatre's
2013 presentation of “Edges" sings “The Facebook Song."
“Our program is open to all students no matter what production teams, and theater students help express
major you are,” Alexander said. “You can be involved a variety of forms of communication.
on the fringe level, or you can major in it. The skills
they work on in the theater translate to other areas “We are aware that fine arts programs across the
of their life. They are working on communication country are struggling," Alexander said. “We are
skills in so many ways.” learning how to be nimble between career-oriented
applied majors and finding the value in the creative
Alexander says that the program currently has about thinking/communication skills that fine arts
a dozen students who are majoring in theater and programs do so well.”
another 25 who are minoring in the program. But
across all of the school's productions, at least 50% of One of the largest hurdles that fine arts programs
the students involved come from students who are face is educating the public on the importance of
not specifically pursuing a degree in the program. arts and theater as an important and valuable part
On any given day, Alexander will observe a mutual of a student’s education and, more broadly, as part
exchange of ideas and education from majors and of our society as a whole. The lack of appreciation
non-majors. For instance, athletes bring a great is mostly due, in Alexander’s opinion, to diflficulty
understanding of the importance of teamwork to understanding how a background in theater can be
applied to mainstream jobs and careers. >

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