Page 19 - Best Chapter Spring 2017
P. 19

up with an innovative solution for a patient or tackling
a perplexing condition. Dr. Yackey works closely with _
patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration 
and the onset of blindness due to diabetes, and she regularly
monitors and—when possible—gets involved in leading
technologies to better improve the lives of those patients. 7 t\
Through CEI, Dr. Yackey has access to leading treatments ~ ‘ ».
like injections for wet macular degeneration, and she is proud 1: W J ‘
of the fact that CEI created its own internal pharmacy to I _ 
create and provide injections on-site at the Blue Ash campus. 5 V
Recently, Dr. Yackey actively recruits patients for retina, /
macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy clinical trials.
Outside of her contributions to the medical field and her
patients, Dr. Yackey is highly involved in the community. ,_ .
This year, she was appointed to the Ohio Optometric 1. ' . , ».~,
Association’s Board of Trustees. As part of the organization,
Dr. Yackey helps to protect all citizens’ rights to eye care, Mary Betti Yockeyl OD received
including efforts to repeal the sales tax on prescription her B S de tee trom The Ohio
eyewear that impacts lower-income families from buying state Univétsittgl in 2000‘ She then
correct eye glasses as well as ensuring that eye eicams for graduated From the New England
children are made mandatory, which will help diagnose Cone e Gt 0 tometr in 2004 since
children with vision issues. Currently, it is common for 200% Dr Yzcke ttés been W'°i_kin
children to be assessed as having behavioral or learning issues at ttte’CittcinnatiyE e institute She 
when, in fact, the root of the problem is vision and not being Wetcomin Cttienté at the Bttte Ash
able to see the board or the lesson books clearly. Dr. Yackey Middletowgt Pond Northern Kentuck ’
is also on the board of Clovernook Center for the Blind and locations Also she is on the Boots,
Visually Impaired, a local organization that is one of the Qt Trustee's tor the Ohio 0 tomettic
largest producers of Braille products in Northern America. Association and Ct:/etnook
Dr. Yackey and her husband, Kyle, have two children:
Carson, 11 years old, and Kiera, 10 years old. She welcomes
new patients, and she encourages individuals who think they
may be suffering from eye diseases like cataract, diabetes,
macula-related conditions, vascular disease of the retina, or
patients who are looking for urgent eye care. 
For more information about Dr. Yackey
and the team at Cincinnati Eye Institute,

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